Server Applications |
Often you may find that the requirements of your project go beyond what is supported by your website or desktop application and you require an application to automate, communicate, synchronize and manage tasks on the server. This is where server applications can play a role where there is a need within your business.

Server Applications is software that delivers resources to computers, users or other electronic devices across your business enterprise. With server application solutions, you will be able to integrate more easily web, desktop and mobile devices to deliver the necessary benefits to your business. |
Key Benefits Include: |
1) Monitor resources and health of other software on the server. |
2) Prevent, Detect, and troubleshoot problems as they arrive automatically. |
3) Save time and money by doing more with less human resources. |
4) Process and schedule automated or large batch tasks |
5) Provide a bridge between disperse systems. (Desktop, mobile, web and more...) |
Content Management |
Management of content either on your computer or on your website using a server application. This is useful for managing larger files such as video, images or content that requires more local processing power to generate information. Eg: 1000s of videos or image files that need to be converted into a particular format or formats. |
Automation of Paper-Based Systems |
Reduce the time spent on traditional paper based business processes. Our applications allows you to create a customized application targeted for your specific business needs that will automate your current manual document processing. |
Integration of Remote Website & Server |
Once your website is created you may find a need to integrate your local business workflow process with information that is currently on your company website. Allow us to create and customize website applications that will communicate with your website and webserver. |
Batching & Data Synchronization |
Managing data across various environments can often prove to be difficult. This is especially true if there is a need to integrate legacy systems with more modern systems. We can integrate various systems across different platforms to archive positive workflow within your business. |
Task & Scheduling Applications |
Timed and event based applications allow your organization to manage and process information at specific times or when certain events are triggered. |
Custom Applications |
Very often your business will require a customized application to be developed that is very specific to your business model. Our team has the knowledge and expertise to create custom applications that integrate with either your website, legacy systems and current server oriented system to produce targeted information that is ideal for your business. |